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Soothing the Zebra's Fears

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Charlie Richards

ISBN :978-1-4874-0076-7

Page :104

Word Count :20971

Publication Date :2014-09-13

Series : Kontra's Menagerie#20

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Soothing the Zebra's Fears (pdf) , Soothing the Zebra's Fears (prc) , Soothing the Zebra's Fears (epub) , Soothing the Zebra's Fears (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance , LGBTQIA+ Romance , Paranormal Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-0076-7

On the Road: We always find what we’re looking for in the last place we look.

At nearly three centuries old, Diego Tamang decides to take a more proactive approach to finding his mate. He walks away from leading his pack, so he can travel with Kontra Belikov and his shifter motorcycle gang. His decision pays off when he walks into a backwater town’s diner and scents his mate, Zachary Young. Quickly making his intentions clear, Diego wonders what will be harder to overcome—Zachary’s young age, or his mother’s clearly displeased attitude. It turns out, neither, for soon Diego discovers that witches may have caused Zachary’s injury, which forces him to use a cane…and Zachary doesn’t know he’s a shifter. Can Diego ease his young lover into the paranormal world while keeping him safe from those that would do him harm?

Diego watched as the door opened. The young black-haired male slowly entered, his weight shifting between a sturdy-appearing left leg and a very fancy looking, three-toed cane. While that gave Diego pause, reminding him of the man’s mention of medicine, it wasn’t enough to stop him from gently tugging the male into his arms.

“How old are you?” Diego blurted out.

The guy grinned. “What? No longer interested in my name?”

Diego chuckled and nodded. “I do plan to find that out, too, but first, I need to know you’re of age. I can wait if you’re not.” He probably shouldn’t have mentioned that last part, since it made him come across as a stalker, but too late.

Fortunately, the guy just chuckled and breathlessly replied, “I’m twenty-two and I’m Zachary Young. Pleased to meet you.”

“Most definitely pleased,” Diego responded. “I’m Diego Tamang, and you are the sexiest thing I’ve seen in years.” He crooned the last few words, lowering his head and rubbing his lips up the guy’s long, lean neck. He inhaled Zachary’s light, grassy fragrance. It reminded him of the perfect savannah—grass, animals, and dirt.

Wait. What is that?

Diego inhaled again, using his many years of experience to differentiate the scents. Seconds later, he jerked his head up. His jaw sagged open for a second right before he snapped it closed again as he realized what the pungent acrid odor had hidden.

“You’re a shifter!”






Chapter Two



Zachary Young’s heart raced, thudding hard in his chest. In all his twenty-two years, he’d never been so turned on or felt his cock so hard. Even when he’d first figured out what his dick was for and fucked anyone willing. Something about the burly biker got his motor running, especially with the way he aggressively pressed against him.

Zachary had dated the occasional girl in high school. Then, when Paul Brown, captain of the football team, had tugged him into a janitor’s closet and kissed the every-loving breath out of him, he’d realized he enjoyed being with guys so much more.

That had opened a whole new world for him.

While Zachary hadn’t had the heart to leave his mother alone to go away to college, he’d still taken advantage of the local community college. There, he’d met a few like-minded men and played around quite a bit.

Diego, though, the way he’d looked at Zachary so blatantly, a shiver worked through him just at the memory. There had been no mistaking his interest. His confidence called to Zachary in a way he’d never experienced.

Zachary released the handle of his cane, somehow trusting that Diego wouldn’t allow him to fall. Lifting his hands, he slid them under the leather jacket the big man wore and rested his palms on Diego’s chest.

At approximately six foot three, with a body built like a brick shit house, Diego probably had muscles upon muscles. Zachary really wanted to strip those black, painted on jeans from his legs. Was Diego hairy? Did he have scars? Tattoos?

That’d be yummy. I could trace them, lick them.

Zachary wanted to find out.

Then the man’s comment registered. “Huh? What’s a shifter? What are you talking about?” Zachary asked. He scowled at the confused expression that crossed the man’s face. “What?”

“Don’t you have a herd?”

Diego dipped his head and sniffed deeply at Zachary’s neck. Tilting instinctively, Zachary hoped the man would kiss his neck, maybe lick, and nip it. Yeah, that’d feel good. “A herd?” The way the man’s nose rubbed along his neck, how the short hairs of his beard tickled, made it hard to think.

“Yes,” Diego hissed softly. “You smell of fresh mown lawns and the soft musk of man. You must be a herd animal. What are you?”

Now, confusion flooded Zachary. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he whispered. “I’m just me.”

“How is that possible?” Diego growled.

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Tags: Adult, Gay, GLBT Paranormal, erotic Romance, shapeshifter