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Running Wyld

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Viola Grace

ISBN :978-1-55487-335-7

Page :81

Word Count :18000

Publication Date :2010-07-27

Series : Sector Guard#2

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Running Wyld (pdf) , Running Wyld (prc) , Running Wyld (epub) , Running Wyld (mobi)

Category : Paranormal Romance , Romance , Science Fiction Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-335-7

Aggie loved her life, but her friends and family agreed she had a higher purpose, why else would they have handed her over to the Dhemon of the Sector Guard?

Agreha Wyld had a good life, friends, family and a place she was accepted. When the Sector Guard call for exceptional beings goes out, her planet nominates her and it is over a year later before they get a response. The response's name is Haaro Denler, telepathic Dhemon and Aggie's destined mate. A marriage of convenience is her initial reaction, but her mind swiftly wanders down other paths when she sees the Dhemon's wingspan. During her first assignment on a tech-free world, she embraces her new duties as a Sector Guard, and decides to embrace her husband with the same enthusiasm. Won't he be surprised?

If a Dhemon walks into your bar, you know you are in trouble, but when he asks for you by name, it's time to run. Agreha Wyld made her way right past the offending Dhemon. He didn't see her, but that was only because Aggie had put on her makeup.

Shifting her features was painful, but if it was only for a few seconds, she was willing to do it. Outside the bar, she let her face go back to normal and stretched her features to relax them. She was halfway down the block, winding her way through crowds and waving at friends in the market, when she noticed that the Dhemon was exiting the bar. His cloak was too heavy for the warm afternoon sun, but he kept it closed as he turned to follow her.

"Aw hells." There was nothing for it. She shifted her legs into a more efficient running configuration and laid on the speed. Moving with the speed of a four-legged animal, she sprinted for safety. She didn't know what the Dhemon wanted, but with the stringent morals of his species, she was sure that she had offended someone somehow. Avoiding him was the best solution.

She wasn't even breathing heavily when she looked back to see no trace of her pursuer, it made it easier for her to slam into the living brick wall in front of her.

He sighed heavily and crossed his arms over his chest, all patience and hard muscle. "Aggie, what have I told you about running through the market?"

She looked up from her vantage point on the ground. "To not do it? To do it when the market is empty? Sorry, Avatar. I was trying to avoid someone." The Avatar was the personification of the planet Cor. Cor used the body to carry his consciousness around when there were negotiations in the works regarding his planetary resources. The rest of the time, Avatar Lio was free to live a life and even flirt. Now was not one of those times.

It was Cor who spoke. "The Dhemon who was looking for you?"

"How did you know?" She stood up, brushing her skirt off and returning her legs to normal configuration.

"I sent him to you. He has a proposition that I believe will appeal to you."

"Well, I think I lost him so better luck next time." She straightened her halter top and smoothed everything down.

"You didn't lose me. I simply tracked you until you stopped moving."

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Tags: Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction