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Terra Form

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Viola Grace

ISBN :0000648

Page :18

Word Count :4490

Publication Date :2013-05-20

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Terra Form (pdf) , Terra Form (prc) , Terra Form (epub) , Terra Form (mobi)

Category : Erotica , Mainstream Fiction , Paranormal , Science Fiction

  • Product Code: 0000648

Bio-forming a world goes wrong and leaves her bound to a planet and a species thought long dead.


Sofee takes worlds and brings them to life using all the tech the Alliance has to offer combined with her own strength of mind. On Nero she meets her first Avatar and falls hard.

Venel-Nero uses every means at his disposal to make Sofee comfortable, even giving his bed to her when she obviously needs it. Of course, he is in it as well, but it is a small price to pay for a good night’s sleep.

The first moments on a new world were always disorienting, but by the time she was ready to do her thing, Sofee’s heart was beating with the pulse of the planet.

Bio-forming, it was called. Terra forming was how Sofee thought of it, making a world like she remembered before her particular talent for growing things caught the eye of the Volunteer recruiter. Before she knew it, she had signed on to leave the Earth and found herself halfway across the galaxy learning how to turn dead worlds into living Edens.

She turned to the one and only inhabitant of the planet Nero and asked him, “So, Venel. You aren’t from around here are you?” She had been trying to pin down his species and was drawing a complete blank. He was too tall for an Azon, too heavily muscled for an Avari and definitely did not have the physique of an Enjel or Dhemon. She was stumped.

“That is correct. I was summoned here to be Avatar some years ago.”

His twinkling silver eyes warmed her to her toes and she felt herself blushing as she took in his seven foot height with a blue green tinge to his tanned skin. She had been dreaming of him in a variety of lascivious poses since she arrived and being this close to his enticing scent was distracting her.

He may be calling himself the Avatar, but as the sole inhabitant of the planet, he had the wealth of the world at his disposal. It was that wealth that had summoned her here. Bio-forming was expensive.

The first two days had been occupied by traveling the planet in a skimmer, setting charges full of biological materials and his proximity during those jaunts had almost set her over the edge. It had been a few years since she had gotten laid and there was no one here to see her if she made an ass of herself flinging her body on top of her host’s. Back to business. “Why choose to awaken the planet now? Why not years ago?”

“Persons with your specialty were not available years ago. It is also now that Nero has made the Alliance priority list. We have been waiting for some time.”

She fidgeted with her data pad. “I have another question, how did this planet die? It simply seems abandoned by all forms of life.”

“Nero made the choice to go dormant when the indigenous species was wiped out. He summoned me as his Avatar when the time was right.”

She absorbed his words and then put them together with surprise. “The planet is alive then?” His smiled flashed at her again, his lightly pointed teeth catching the sunlight.

“There is a reason that it is called the Alliance of Federated and Sentient Planets.”

She chuckled. “I always thought that the sentient part referred to the inhabitants.”

“Not in the Alliance. It is the world beneath us and it has a mind and a soul.”

His eyes flared black and this time his grin bordered on feral. She almost backed up until she realized that it was no longer Venel that she was facing. It was Nero.

“How many people are in there?” She gestured to his body and he smiled again, the points on his teeth now clearly visible.

“You caught me. I am impressed. Venel agreed to share his body with me. Many planets choose to summon an Avatar when they wish to trade or conduct other business. I am Nero and I did the summoning. He finds you extremely attractive, by the way.” He bowed formally and took her hand in his own.

Heat flashed at the contact and she shivered.

When he straightened, Venel was back in control, his eyes shining silver once again.

“Does he just hijack you whenever he wants to?”

“There is a bit more to it than that. I allow him full access to my mind and body.”

“So the comments about you finding me attractive…” She could feel her own eyes twinkling as the relief that it wasn’t just a one-sided attraction washed through her.

He moved close to her and their bodies touched, igniting her lust into a conflagration that took over her body and mind. She was in his arms and their mouths were locked in a matter of seconds. His height became an obstacle so she simply climbed him, linking her legs around his waist to make them both more comfortable.

He broke the kiss to laugh. It started as a chuckle and then grew into a fully grown laugh as he walked them into the personal section of the small station. She clung to him like a monkey as he moved into an area of the small facility that she had never been in. His private quarters.

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Tags: Mainstream, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Erotica