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Fire of the Heart

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Mark Alders

ISBN :978-1-55487-637-2

Page :202

Word Count :44320

Publication Date :2010-10-04

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Fire of the Heart (epub) , Fire of the Heart (mobi) , Fire of the Heart (pdf) , Fire of the Heart (prc)

Category : Erotic Romance , Fantasy Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-637-2

Even love can go beyond the realms of imagination.

WARNING: contains a group sex scene

Fire of the Heart is the fourth installment in the Pembroke Eve Chronicles and takes place a few weeks after the Spring Dance.

Jacob, Callum and Zane are packing up for the night in the Food Emporium, when Mr. Barnaby bursts in, proclaiming Aloysius is missing. Where could a twenty-foot dragon have disappeared to in a small town like Pembroke Eve? And what's more, when Jacob and the gang go to investigate, they are sucked into a wormhole that so happened to materialise right in the main street of the town. Coincidence? Hell yes!

The vortex is a one-way ticket to the dragon realm, where the problems for Jacob and his friends have only just begun. Why? Well, they've walked right into a time when the realm is at its greatest unrest, their leader, Aloysius, no longer there to guide them. If only Jacob could ask Mr. Barnaby for advice. Trouble is, he's disappeared now, too!

To top it all off, Jacob unwittingly accepts an advance by a dragon shifter warrior named, Nottolu. The warrior claims Jacob as his mate and it's up to Callum, his fiancé, to claim him back…even if it means his death.

Everything becomes a race against time. The gang must work together to find not only Aloysius and Mr. Barnaby, but to get Callum and Jacob back together, too. All before an all out war threatens to destroy everything, even the hope of ever returning to Pembroke Eve.

Can anything else go wrong? There is no doubt…

"Hey, look!" Zane called out, gesturing toward the sky.

A dragon, as white as the snow on the mountains, came down to land in front of us. I had never seen one with wings. Then again, my experience with dragons was limited to my knowledge of Aloysius. He was a walking dragon, as he so eloquently put it one day when I asked him why he couldn't fly.

The breeze increased for a moment, the flap of its wings fanned my skin. I realised the air was tropical, and I could see why we didn't need clothes. Wearing anything in this heat would have been uncomfortable and I would have stripped down after a while anyway.

"Look at the size of the mother fucker," Zane said, taking the words out of my mouth.

The dragon coming toward us was indeed huge, all scales and teeth and claws. I'd say it was as big as Aloysius, if not more. I stepped back, taking Callum with me. What the dragon did next surprised me beyond words. It turned into human form.

It was a male. His skin a stunning white, just like the dragon had been a few moments ago. Why the purple light didn't reflect off him I had no idea. But there he was. He was also naked. If I were to put it into human terms, as that is now what he was, I'd say he was handsome in a funny sort of way. He had white hair, deep red eyes and, to top it all off, his skin was smooth and hairless. Not even a tuft of hair sprouted from where his pubes should have been. His muscles flexed as he walked. He was damn fit. Even his cock was a sight to behold, one to rival Zane's fine equipment. I gasped. The dragon man's foreskin was unlike Zane's though. His covered his glans, forming a nice pucker tip, just like Callum's and my own.

When he was closer to us, the dragon man smiled, then said in smooth, yet deep voice, "Welcome to the realm of dragons and the hold of the Clan of the Light. I am Devlyn, flyer for the Mountain Cradle tribe."

If I thought him turning from a dragon into a human was something to make me open my mouth in awe, what he did next was something I shall never forget for the rest of my life.

When he was close enough, he kissed my earlobe and at the same time grabbed my cock, shook it twice, then let go it go. He did the same to Callum and Zane. Was this how dragons welcomed each other? Damn. Sure beats a hand shake. Good thing I was naked. I think I would have reacted differently if Devlyn had unzipped my pants and began rummaging around in my underwear just to say hello.

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Tags: Adult, Dragon Shifter, Erotic Romance, Fantasy, Gay, GLBT, Science Fiction, Shapeshifter