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The Manticore's Wolf

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Catherine Lievens

ISBN :978-1-4874-4293-4

Page :120

Word Count :37000

Publication Date :2025-01-20

Series : Legendary Shifters#13

Heat Level :

Available Formats :

Category : LGBTQIA+ Romance , Coming Soon , LGBTQIA+

Home is where the heart—and your mate---is.

Preston had never felt like he had a home, but maybe he’s finally found one with the pack. He hopes so because one thing he has definitely found with them is his mate.

Bryson might be the alpha’s brother, but he’s perfectly happy being a guard for the pack, especially when it leads him to realize that his mate is one of his brother’s closest friends.

Bryson and Preston want to build a life together, but the man responsible for the torture and death of so many shifters is still around and is coming for the pack. His presence puts everyone in danger—including Preston and Bryson.

Bryson followed the other guards into his brother’s office. The room was crowded, and he wished he could skip the meeting since he already knew what Cam would announce, but Cam couldn’t show favoritism, not even for his brother. That meant Bryson would have to get through a boring meeting surrounded by people, which wasn’t his idea of fun.

Kyle knocked their shoulders together. “Have you tried smiling?”

Bryson pushed him away. “Have you tried keeping your mouth shut?”

Kyle’s laughter was bright and loud, causing several people to turn toward them. Kyle was unapologetic. He leaned his shoulder against the wall, pressing closer to Marcus, and glared at the guards still staring at him. “You’d think none of them ever heard anyone laugh,” he grumbled.

“I think they’ve never heard you so happy,” Bryson pointed out.

“Are you telling me they’re jealous?”

“Either that or they want you to shut up.”

Kyle rolled his eyes. “Of course they’d want me to shut up. They’re jealous because Everly is mine.”

Bryson could admit that he was jealous, although it had nothing to do with Everly. He’d never thought much about meeting his mate before, but everyone around him was pairing up, and sometimes, he felt like the only single guy in the pack. He knew that wasn’t the case, but he was the only one in his group of family and friends not to have a mate, and it felt weird.

Luckily for Bryson, Camden strode in before Kyle could continue teasing. Kyle snapped his mouth shut, and Bryson grinned at him. He’d refused to tell Kyle and Marcus what had happened during the raid, even though he knew. Cam wanted to talk to his guards himself.

“Welcome, everyone,” Cam said as he sat behind his desk. “I’ll get straight to the point. The raid went decently well. We managed to free all the shifters who were being kept prisoners, and we stopped the auctions. Most of the people involved have been arrested and are with the FBI.”

The chatter in the room became louder. Cam leaned back in his chair and allowed the guards to chat for a few seconds, but he wasn’t done.

“There’s something else,” he declared, getting everyone’s attention. “Pamela, Matt’s ex, was arrested. She won’t be a problem anymore, so we don’t have to worry about her coming back to pack territory.”

“It’s about time,” Marcus grumbled.

Bryson agreed. He understood why his brother had allowed Pamela in, but he hadn’t liked her and the way she’d talked to him and the other guards, as if they were inferior to her just because they worked for a living. She’d clearly had no idea that Bryson was the alpha’s brother, and Bryson hadn’t told her. He didn’t care what people he despised thought of him.

“But unfortunately, Fulton escaped. As you might remember, he was in charge of the auctions. He doesn’t have access to his bank accounts, but that doesn’t mean he’s harmless. Considering he lost everything, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried getting revenge on the pack.” He looked around the room. “Which is where you come in. You are the protectors of this pack. If you see Fulton anywhere near pack territory, act accordingly. I don’t want you to put yourself in danger if there’s no need for you to. I’d rather you call for reinforcements.”

“Isn’t the guy human?” someone asked.

“He is, but he’s been dealing with shifters for decades. To him, we’re nothing more than animals with human intelligence. He’s going to use every resource he can find to take us down.”

“Wouldn’t it be smarter for him to go into hiding and disappear?” someone else called out.

“It would be, but rich people seldom are smart.”

Bryson snorted. Ryland would be pissed if he heard Cam say that. Bryson supposed there were exceptions and that Ryland was one of them. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that his brother was a shifter.

“Any questions?” Cam asked.

Bryson had already asked all the questions he’d had, so he thought about Fulton instead. Would the man really be stupid enough to try to get revenge? Maybe it wouldn’t be stupidity. Maybe Fulton thought he could obtain something by coming after Cam. What that something was, Bryson had no idea, and he didn’t care. The reasons behind what Fulton had done for so many years weren’t an excuse. He’d hurt people, had probably killed, and now, he was on the run. He could die in a ditch as far as Bryson was concerned.

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Tags: Catherine Lievens, shapeshifters, wolf shifters, wolves, pack, suspense, gay romance, LGBTQIA