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Slave For Sex

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Laura Tolomei

ISBN :978-1-77111-573-5

Page :69

Word Count :13087

Publication Date :2013-10-21

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Slave For Sex (pdf) , Slave For Sex (prc) , Slave for Sex (epub) , Slave for Sex (mobi)

Category : Erotica , Paranormal

  • Product Code: 978-1-77111-573-5

Rydan's dead lover returns as a green faerie, seducing him into passionate sex and submission, but will he trust her enough to change his destiny?

Alone, having lost the love of his life, Rydan has visions of a mysterious creature in the forest. Who is she? And what will happen when he finally meets her in the flesh to learn about the secrets of sex and passion? But that’s not all she’ll reveal, and the truth about his world will blow his mind away. Will he trust her enough to believe her or will he surrender to the sensual attraction of burning desire neglecting his duties?

“Come.” She tugged him forward. “Let’s go somewhere private.”

“Kyraen, wait.” Rydan resisted.

She stopped and spun around. “My name is Eylean.” Her eyes bore into his.

“It’s just that you look so much like him.” His hand freed from her hold. His fingers stoked her smooth face. “If not even more beautiful.”

“It’ll be an honor if you call me with his name.” Bending on a side, she cuddled her head in the palm of his hand. “But we have no time to waste.” So she clutched his hand again.

Then she dragged him along until she reached a door. Opening it, she stepped inside and waited for him to step through.

When Rydan did, the thing he noticed, after the shiny metal walls, was the giant bed next to a small drawer. “Why the bed?”

“Haven’t they explained why you’re here?” Eylean shut the door.

“They haven’t told us anything.” Tearing his gaze away, he focused on her again. “Not even who you are.”

“Come.” She plopped down on the bed. “Sit here.” She patted the place next to her. “I know you’ve never seen the likes of us here on Earth.”

He fell on the soft mattress and grasped her hand again.

“We are women.”

“Women?” He rolled the unfamiliar word around his tongue to get it right.

“Yes, women.” She took a deep breath. “You are a man. I am a woman.” She gripped his hand. “Women complement men.” Blushing violently, she touched his crotch.

And he understood.

“Which doesn’t mean a damn thing,” she added angrily, as though talking to someone else entirely. “In the face of love.” As though she had been coached to say certain things. “Like the one between you and Kyraen.” Her tone grew softer.

A wave of burning pain hit Rydan in the stomach, as though someone had punched all the air out of him. With an effort, he managed to keep his back straight.

She caressed his face. “I loved him, too.” Her voice broke, then gained new strength. “But I couldn’t save him.”

“What are you talking about?” Rydan clutched her face.

“It’s a long story, Rydan.” She sighed. “One I’m not supposed to tell.” Her voice faltered again. “But I don’t want to lose you like I lost Kyraen.” Gently, she unclasped his hands from her face. “I come from Kaldore, a faraway planet—”

“You come from the stars.” That was neat. “The flying machines bring you, right?”

“Exactly, only that I’m an Earthling, like you and Kyraen.”

“Then why did you leave?”

“It wasn’t my choice.” She sounded pleading, as though she wanted him to believe her. “They keep me away.”

“They?” He frowned in puzzlement.

“The Kaldorians.” Eylean shifted position. “They want to control our world, so they keep us separated, the men from the women. That’s why you’ve never seen a woman. There are none here.”

“But…” He just could not get it. “Why?”

“Because the men get sick.” Her arresting eyes glazed like they did whenever he talked about Kyraen. “Most of them anyway.”

The painful image of his lover lying dead came rushing to the fore. Also of the blue pills. Of their failure to stop the disease.

“They can’t.” Eylean’s husky tone cut right through his thoughts. “The blue pills are ineffective against this type of illness.”

Startled, Rydan raised his gaze and met the green eyes.

“I can read your mind.” She seemed pleased of herself. “Just read. No sharing or anything. That’s why I can understand you in the forest, but couldn’t talk back or answer you in any way.” She smiled brightly. “It’s a gift I have, which only works with certain people. Like you and Kyraen. With him, I had no trouble reading his thoughts. We used to have the longest talks—”

“He never told me anything about it.” He was unable to restrain the surge of jealousy.

“There’s no need to get jealous.” She squeezed his hand. “Like you, he felt it was too private or too crazy to share with others, including the one he loved most.” The angles of her lips curved downward. “He talked about you for hours. How much he loved you. How he wished you could have a happy life together.” She lowered her head. “But he didn’t know his time was already ending.”

“You knew he was dying?”

“Not then.” She shook her head. “I had no idea how things worked over here. I had no idea. What I took to be a dream was in fact real. That I wasn’t a ghost intruding on your world.”

Creasing her forehead, she seemed lost to him for a second.

“I’m not sure when, I realized there was a connection between Kyraen and me. In a way, we had called one another, as though we already knew each other.” She shrugged. “Maybe because we looked so alike. Perhaps we shared a common origin.” She waved a hand aimlessly in the air. “Who knows?” Her expression became somber. “When he died, I wanted to know about this strange connection of ours. Why we lived worlds apart, even if we looked like twins.”

“What did you discover?”

No questions about it.

She had his full attention.

“Nothing I liked.” She heaved. “To all effects, both men and women are Kaldorian prisoners. They arrange these…mating between us to get their hands on our children. At birth, they send only the males to Earth and keep the females to Kaldore. To use as breeders.” She scoffed impatiently. “So the men become our slaves for sex.”

“Why just the women?” And what exactly is a slave for sex?

“Apparently, we’re immune from your kind of disease.”

“So the sickness is in us?” He jabbed a finger to his chest.

Maybe it was the slave for sex deal causing it.

“That’s what they want you to think.”

From her slight pause, Rydan guessed there was a whole lot of more story than she was willing to share at the moment.

“What I think is that you have to leave if you want to live.”

“Leave?” The thought had never crossed his mind. “Where would I go?”

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Tags: Adult, Erotica, Paranormal