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Devarian Uprising

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Sierra Dafoe

ISBN :978-1-4874-3927-9

Page :97

Word Count :28008

Publication Date :2023-04-07

Series : Devarian Chronicles#3

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Devarian Uprising (prc) , Devarian Uprising (pdf) , Devarian Uprising (mobi) , Devarian Uprising (epub)

Category : Fantasy Romance , Science Fiction Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-3927-9

The journey Soleyla Devarian began in Devarian Exile continues in Devarian Uprising, as she joins forces with the rebel Rolen in an attempt to free her beloved pleasure slave, Kantou.

Determined to secure the freedom of the pleasure slave she has come to love, Guardian Captain Soleyla Devarian makes a pact with Rolen, the leader of the Antoreans. She will turn traitor to her own people and help Rolen destroy the advance team sent to prepare his planet for colonization by the Nine-Star League. If they are successful, Rolen vows to put his people at her disposal in the final quest to gain Kantou's freedom—by overthrowing the very League itself!

But in her single-minded dedication to Rolen's cause, will Soleyla risk losing her beloved Kantou? And can Rolen bring himself to face the terrifying rigors of the one plan Soleyla can come up with to defeat the Guardians' superior forces?

WARNING: This book contains explicit sexuality, anal penetration, and voyeurism. 

This book was previously published many years ago and has been reedited for its rerelease.

You are not your mother, my lady.

How had he known? Other than that one day, six years before, when Rachel Devarian had taken her inexperienced young daughter to Merkun’s establishment to purchase her first pleasure slave, Danel, Soleyla had never met the man. Had Merkun, sensing the rage and rebellion in Soleyla after her mother had wrenched Danel from her, somehow known what would come of her relationship with Kantou?

Soleyla shook her head. Impossible. No one could have predicted the combination of events that had led her here, to Rolen’s tent. But Merkun had certainly intended for her to discover who had left the scars on Kantou’s back.

What had he thought she would do then?

Even in the midst of such ruminations, Soleyla stretched luxuriously, aware of her sense of utter relaxation. Last night’s interlude, she knew, had had much to do with it, easing the sexual frustration that had seethed inside her for the past five weeks—weeks during which she had ruthlessly kept her desires in check, waiting for Kantou to learn to trust her.

The image of him as he’d been last night, standing before Rolen, claiming his right to choose to serve her, brought with it a rush of tenderness so deep it was almost painful. As he’d knelt before her, pliant and submissive, Soleyla had felt her breath catch in her throat. He was so beautiful!

A dozen recollections crowded back—Kantou’s profile as he bent over the tracker he’d adjusted, increasing the instrument’s range in the mountainous terrain of Antoros, his eyes, smoky with remembered pain as he’d asked if she would ever beat him. His face, softened by arousal, those full, curved lips damp with her juices as he lifted his head to gaze up at her…

Kantou. Her beautiful, lovely, precious Kantou. He was worth every risk she was about to take.

Softly, Soleyla traced a finger along one high cheekbone, outlined the taut muscles of his broad, angular shoulder, gathered the gleaming fall of his long, ash brown hair away from the nape of his neck, and kissed it.

He shifted slightly, sighing, and rolled onto his back. Soleyla let her hand slide over the smooth expanse of his chest, down the slim, tapered plane of his abdomen to where his huge cock lay quiescent against his muscular thigh. Her mouth watered as she stroked it lightly, feeling Kantou respond even in his sleep to her touch. His cock stirred, lengthening beneath her fingers, and Soleyla felt a stab of heat between her thighs.

How she wanted that enormous cock inside her! But she could feel Rolen’s bulk on the other side of the bed, sound asleep. Sighing, she dropped her hand away from Kantou’s hardening shaft. When she finally took Kantou inside her, she wanted it to be private, just the two of them. A joining that no one—not even Rolen—would share.

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Tags: Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Menage, Voyeurism, Menage a trois, Threesome, M/F, MMF, MFM, BDSM