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Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Ravon Silvius

ISBN :978-1-77111-260-4

Page :119

Word Count :28387

Publication Date :2012-06-17

Series : The WaterLord Trilogy#3

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Water (pdf) , Water (prc) , Water (epub) , Water (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance , Fantasy Romance , LGBTQIA+ Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-77111-260-4

Renewed power, but an obstacle remains.

Killing Ruthen is not as easy as it seems. The Lord has cemented his power with more than just flames, and Tom and Nathan will have to overturn a longstanding tradition to achieve their dream, which has become more than just revenge. Now, they know they must fight for freedom.

Despite nerves, the day passed uneventfully. The island faded from view, and Nathan consulted a compass and took a bearing. As night fell, the temperature plummeted, and Tom could not see a single cloud in the sky. Stars glinted overhead, absurdly bright, and the Water mage saw constellations he’d never seen before, reflected even in the water.

Tom only noticed how cold it was when he realized that Nathan had gotten under several blankets. Worry for his lover began to replace the dreading anxiety from the north.


“Are you offering to warm me up?” Nathan grinned.

Tom had to smile back, shaking his head.

“Don’t you need sleep?” Nathan pressed.

Technically, Tom did not, able to half concentrate at all times. But he did not want to stretch his limits, and part of him did want to join Nathan under the blankets. He wouldn’t lose the bearing if he slept, at least. That was a plus from the strange presence being their guide.

“I guess I will.” Tom knew he needed to relax, and sleep would help that. There was no point in overtaxing himself before they got to their destination.

Tom could at least feel the difference in warmth as he crawled under the blankets. His indifference to cold did not extend to indifference to heat. Nathan quickly wrapped his arms around Tom, and they lay like that, Tom staring up at the stars. He had forgotten how to get a bearing using them. Using the sun and the moon was easy enough, but the different star formations…

Nathan moved, tilting Tom’s head to face his. Tom was about to protest, when Nathan suddenly put his lips to Tom’s, kissing him hard.

All other anxieties were forgotten as Nathan kissed him, his tongue flicking against Tom’s lips, his hand holding Tom’s chin firmly in place. Heat spread through his body like a passive fire.

“I feel a lot better since leaving that blasted island.” Nathan pulled Tom closer, their erections rubbing together. “Let’s put it to good use, huh?”

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