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Still Waters

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : K.B. Forrest

ISBN :978-1-55410-991-3

Page :280

Word Count :70000

Publication Date :2010-11-29

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Still Waters (prc) , Still Waters (pdf) , Still Waters (mobi) , Still Waters (epub)

Category : Erotic Romance , LGBTQIA+ Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55410-991-3

What happens when a suave city-slicker must put his life in the hands of a country horn-dog, whose idea of elegance is a two-story outhouse? To Charlie, who just can't keep his hands off Yoshifumi's most private possession, it seems like "more fun"…

Charlie Stillwaters thinks Yoshifumi Murakami is cuter than a sack full of puppies, even after he learns of his connections with the notorious Japanese Yakuza mob, and the fact that he’s so mean that if a rattlesnake struck him five times, it’d die. There is something Charlie just has to have. He’s bad after Yoshi – he’s as hot as a billy-goat in a pepper patch, but will they live to do it … or will they die and become haints of the worst sort? With the New Orleans-based mob hot on their tails, and suspicions mounting, Yoshifumi is forced to pair up with Charlie, who insists that he can “learn him plain an’ fittin’ American,” and who thinks ‘possum in the half-shell, a.k.a. road-kill armadillo, is good eatin.’

Charlie looked up once again and he saw that the sun’s angle had changed, and red- gold sunlight poured over the scene. The brilliant rays of sunlight glowed on Yoshi’s skin and were refracted by the beads of water that clung to him. Yoshi was half turned away from him and he was running his hands down his chest. Charlie inched forward to get a better look. It seemed that the dour, pessimistic man had a sensual side to him that he kept under close guard. He snickered and Yoshi froze. He let out another shriek of alarm and leapt out of the stream.

Charlie felt his stomach clench with fear. A water moccasin! He scrambled out of the cave. How am I going to get him to a hospital!

Charlie’s heart was pounding as he reached him. Yoshi was clutching his clothes to his groin and staring between his legs with horror.

“Oh my God, I’m gonna die!” he wailed.

“Where did it bite you? Did you see what kind of snake it was? Was it dark brown or did it have a white …” Charlie stopped his tirade of questions and stepped back.

“Look!” Yoshi squeaked staring at the small brown tick that had attached itself to the skin of his dick. “I’m infected with lock jaw! I’ll die a horrible, painful, lingering death! Oh God, I should’ve listened to Daddy! Now look! To have it all end like this! The pointlessness of it all! Oh the pitiless gods …”

Charlie cut him off with uproarious laughter.

“This isn’t funny!”

Charlie laughed so hard that tears were squeezed out of his eyes. It felt good to laugh after such terrifying things had happened to them. He fell back against a tree, still heaving with laughter.

“You ain’t gonna die. This is your first tick, ain’t it? Congratulations. I’ve had hundreds. I’ve stepped in seed tick nests and had over fifty of them little babies stuck in me at once. You could die, but since I haven’t yet, I think there’s little chance you will anytime soon. You want me to help you pull it out?”

Charlie had said it as a joke, but when Yoshi nodded his head, he hid his eager grin and walked over to him. The ends of Yoshi’s shiny black hair held big drops of water that fell off and trickled down his skin. Charlie looked away from his hair, but he couldn’t stop his eyes from tracking the progress of a drop of dew as it made its way down his chest and belly to disappear under the hair over his cock. His anxious dark eyes still held worry and fear, but it was obvious that Charlie’s words had comforted him.

Charlie couldn’t believe his luck. He wanted so badly to get to touch that skin again. It really turned him on as pinched the tick and pulled it out. Yoshi howled. Charlie looked at him in surprise and saw him clutching the small spot of blood while he held his eyes shut tight against imaginary pain.

“You can let go of it now,” Yoshi finally said when he calmed down.

“You kidding? Do you really want to die? City people really are stupid. Don’t you know that ticks carry deadly lockjaw?”

Yoshi’s eyes grew wide. “But … but you said you’ve been bitten hundreds of times, and you’re alive!”

“Yeah, ‘cause I use the cure, like any smart country folk.”

“What … what cure?”

“Well, being a city person, maybe you just ought to go to the hospital.” Charlie tried to look disinterested.

“We can’t! That’s obvious, even to a country bumpkin like you! Those guys out there will kill us!”

“Okay, well I’ll tell you then, but the rest is up to you. See, cum juice, you know, a guy’s sperm is the only cure, especially iffin’ you get bit down there. I had an uncle whose cock swelled up like an overgrown zucchini squash.”

“What happened to him?”

“Well you know, he’s my aunt now. They had to cut it off. I swear I’m telling the truth! I can fix it for you. If y’ont to.”

“God, this is serious. I don’t want my dick to fall off, but how can I trust a horn dog like you?”

“That’s up to you, city guy. Don’t matter to me.”

“Okay, okay. But just do what you need to and cure me. And none of that shit from yesterday!” Yoshi’s face was red.

“Suit yourself. It would be faster, but I need help. Let me borrow your ass …”

“No! No! I just knew what you wanted!” Yoshi stamped his bare foot.

“Do you feel the swelling yet?” Charlie knew it would swell fast in that spot.

Yoshi trembled as he felt the bump with his finger. “Look, just jerk off! That should be enough!”

“Alright, but I can’t do it like that. At least let me use your thighs. I promise I won’t do nothing else.” Charlie threw off his clothes and jumped into the water quickly; he didn’t want to smell bad. He wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip by. He emerged hastily, already erect. George, his friend down there, didn’t like to waste time.

“Just put your hands on that tree there and hold your legs together. I’ll be done right quick.”

Yoshi did as he was told and Charlie put his arms around him. He kissed Yoshi’s neck and the guy trembled. He slid his wet cock between Yoshi’s legs and felt the tight nut-sack there. His body shook with anticipation as he began to thrust in, hitting that marvelously firm sack every time he pressed in deeper. His hands slid down and took Yoshi’s erect cock in them, pumping it in time with his thrusts. He felt Yoshi push into his hand, and he had to fight the urge to push deeper and higher. Those cherry cheeks called to George, and it was hard to fight off the bugger’s demands! Finally, Yoshi put both arms around the tree and Charlie heard a muffled cry. He made a final thrust, and he came too.

“Hurry, pervert! Fix me!” Yoshi hadn’t forgotten.

“Okay, okay. Just a minute! Charlie wiped cum from between Yoshi’s legs and rubbed the end of his dick, where the bite was. Yoshi shook, but he was getting stiff again.

“Hurry, damn it! I hate you touching me!”

“I can’t help it that you get turned on by me!”

“I don’t get turned on by you!” Yoshi looked disgusted. “It’s just a natural reaction any person has if you touch his dick.”

“No way! You can touch me all you want, and I won’t get turned on. Go ahead, I dare you!” Charlie tried to suppress his smile.

“Oh yeah! Well what if I do this?”

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