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Submission FAQs

Q. Do I need an agent to submit to Extasy Books?
No, you do not.

Q. What is your turnaround response time for submissions?
A careful reading of all submissions takes time, but we will endeavor to respond within four weeks. If, after four weeks, you haven’t received a response, please email
us at:

Q. What content is on your DO NOT accept list?

A. We do not accept the following Submissions:

  • Currently published books; anywhere on the web is considered published. This includes with another publisher and/or self-published.
  • Books with hate messages to any race, gender, religion, or sexuality.
  • We do NOT accept porn; this is sex for the sake of sex or a series of sex scenes; we want a complete story.
  • Golden Showers/any act containing the use of feces.
  • Strangulation/suffocation as part of the sex act, necrophilia, beastiality, rape, BDSM that results in actual physical damage, or incest in any form.
  • Molestation/abuse/cruelty of children, animals or unwilling participants; Nor underage sex (sex with/around minors; minors are under 18). Please note, students in high school are most likely underage and therefore cannot have sex on the page in a book.

Q. You declined my work, would you be interested in seeing a re-write?
A. This will be discussed at the time of review. If we feel that the story has potential, then we will say so and offer you the chance to resubmit once you have revised it. We will not consider work—whatever the potential—if it is poorly written, has spelling and grammatical mistakes or other writing flaws (POV slips, purple prose, tell v show or any other main issue such as head hopping or incorrect use of tenses) because this work will require substantial editing.

Q. What is the minimum word count for a new author to submit for the first time?
A. 15,000 words.

Q. Do you accept simultaneous submissions?
A. No.

Q. Can I use my own cover art?
No. We work with highly trained, professional artists to create a cover that reflects your genre/theme in order to best sell your book.

Q. Will my book be edited?
A. Your book will be assigned to an editor. When you are both satisfied with the standard of your manuscript, you will receive a galley copy to inspect. Once satisfied with that, a proofreader will do a final review.

Q. How long will it take to get my story published?
A. We cannot give you a set timeframe. Each author and work are unique. Some work may require more editing than others, or there may be ‘glitches’ in the process beyond our control. No author favoritism will influence the process. Simply put, depending on the length of the manuscript, the intensity of editing, turn in of all required information and information forms, 120 days from contract to release is a general guideline.

Q. What marketing and promotional strategy does the company have in place to promote my book and me (the author)?
A. Extasy Books has many strategies to promote the company as a whole and the author and his/her work on release day from internet magazines and newsletters to attendances at conferences and fairs. We will work with an author to help maximize the work and the author’s exposure in the mainstream.

We do not schedule personal appearances nor provide funds for such or for author attendance to a convention or similar function. We also expect authors to have their own strategies and networks to promote themselves and their work. If there is a relevant conference or event in their hometown an author can afford to attend, we encourage an author to make an appearance. Libraries, bookshops, etc. are other venues for marketing and promotion.

Q. Do you offer advances?
A. No, and there is no exception.

Q. How will I be paid?
A. This is detailed in the contract, but it is basically monthly from home site sales and quarterly from third-party sales. All payments are via PayPal only.